Monday, May 31, 2010

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Its been a while since I updated my blog...well, since I'm busy having my holidays and Chinese Orchestra camp, I guess I'm forgivable as long as I write about them huh ?

I'll take that as a "yes" and I'll leave it for the coming post.

In case you dont know, a new semester had just started and guess what, I'm now a year 2 senior ! Lol~ Saw lots of freshies around the campus today and there's also a lots of bicycles and cars and motorcycles around the Westlake area. Never seen that much of people since the day I'm in Kampar... @_@

But anyhow, this semester's subjects are quite to be tough and almost related to each other. While you'll only need to remember the name of the process in subject A, you'll need to know the whole process in subject B... or something like that.

So... for a better tomorrow: sleep early, rest well and spend every single minute you got to do revision while you still could !

Hence... I bet this easy piece of Japanese wouldnt counfuse you:


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Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia
Life was never meant to be simple, even a simple bacteria have a very complex mechanism happening inside its body. Life is full of surprises, fun, thrill and sometimes tears, anger and disappointment. I'm gonna wrote down every single moment that I faced here, so that I'll not forget what has happened in my life. Follow my Instagram @ Spiky9007

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