Monday, November 26, 2012

Long Time No See

Its been quite a while since I write anything here. I'm impressed that I'm able to write something here every few days in the past, an ability that I'm lacking nowadays.

Anyway... Graduation isn't like what I've expected. There's time where I hope that I'm still studying with my fellow friends, where I'm still have my part time job having fun working every few days in a week, it the time where I'm having ensemble practices with my fellow COU mates.

Currently still waiting to be employed while learning how to drive. Yeah I haven't got my driving license yet... Lol !

Ciao for now... :)

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Sunday, September 16, 2012







not every Goodbye brings the next Hello closer,
it could be Forever.

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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Shit Just Got Real

Sometimes... the most ridiculous thing can be happened to you out of the blue. Few days back when I was searching for science-related jobs on some websites, I realized how hard it is to get myself a job that I'm qualified. Randomly applied a few of them with low hope to get a reply, I applied for a job in F&B-related ones. And yeah, shit just got real.

The day after I received an e-mail from that company, requesting me to resend my resume according to their resume template, kinda like "fill in the application form that I sent to you". My reaction was like: OMG ! my friends would be laughing at me if I really did worked in F&B industry after 4 years of uni life on Biology ! 

Well... if I really cant find myself the job that I like, I guess its not bad that I go for F&B, since they stated that I might have chance to work in Singapore's luxurious hotels.

#There you go, a snap shot of part of the e-mail I received.#

I'm not sure what to do now... I guess I just gotta prepare for my final paper first eh ?

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Sunday, September 9, 2012


回想起来前两个礼拜那个所谓的“pre-音乐会庆功宴”,还真的给我这个乌鸦嘴说中了:下雨。还好那场雨并不是很大,结果最后大家就边淋雨边 BBQ,给大家留下了一个很特别的回忆。也可能是自己不小心淋到一些雨,加上 BBQ 的热气,当天晚上立刻不舒服了。隔天早上也开始发烧,直到三四天后才复原。我不会后悔因为这个烧烤会弄到自己病倒了,毕竟这是我最后一次跟大家一起开心了。


我收到通知信说我可以跟我朋友们一起参加这个十月的毕业典礼。回想了一下,自己也觉得应该是对的,因为我的毕业照是跟他们一起拍的啊!在梦里见到那班死党,就开心到过去抱了起来。我们一起丢毕业帽、拍照、聊天... 当时的情况我真的很感动。



考试要来临了,但是我自己什么准备都还没做。快要考完试的同室就要离开了,离开以后都不懂还有没有机会再见面。这一切一切都让我回想到了一首歌,一首之前 Astro 新秀大赛五强合唱的歌。

还有还有... 很久以前就发现了这首歌,还记得看着那个 anime 时自己也好像 Azu-nyan 一样流下了眼泪。K-On!! 的插曲:《天使にふれたよ》。

ずっと 永遠に一緒だよ

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Monday, August 27, 2012

A New Journey Lies Ahead

After all these years of studying in a university which I never really thought that I COULD be in one, the day finally comes to an end. Yeah, I'm gonna graduate soon, and guess what, I got no single thought of what should I do next. Ok, at least I got half a thought of what should I do next, but the future scares me a little. Guess this happens to all my other graduated friends eh ? 

"Lets go to Singapore and work together after we graduate !" my friend told me during Foundation 4 years back. I was like, "sure, why not... having friends working together in a foreign country would be nice".

When I searched for vacancy online, I found that most of them are not very suitable for me, or perhaps I think that I'm not qualified enough for it. But still, I gambled for a chance that I might be the chosen one. 

Its a bit hard to leave this lonely town after staying here for 3 years, but come to think of it: wouldnt it happened once when I'm leaving PJ for good ? 

I'm gonna miss the people here, the memories that we created and the stuffs we used to do. And I'm definitely gonna miss my COU and Shunka, which I had most happiest memories with them. 

Here's a song to share, she's a Malaysian Chinese artist that always mistaken as Taiwanese or China Chinese. Her song comforts and gives me strength when I'm moody. I hope the same happens to you lot too. 

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Thursday, August 16, 2012


My camera's dead. 
Not literary dead, but "dead" dead. 
Its not functioning like before,
and its been like this for a week now.

Googled "CameraFailed ErrorMessageHandler.handleMessage (-1)",
but what I found was not really helpful.
And it seems like it happens to all Galaxy series too.

"You must hard reset your phone... update...
...uninstall any app that uses camera...
...switch it off and take out the battery for a few min...
...something wrong with your SD card..."

All those just doesnt make a sense to me.

Was thinking to send the phone for checkup,
but not sure whether I'll be charged for it,
since most of the feedback in Google said:
"the phone dealer fixed the phone for me",
and they didnt mention a fee.

Just hope that it'll be alright in a few days time.
I miss my camera. 

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Thursday, August 9, 2012



再次谢谢指挥 Potato 没有把每次迟到的我吃掉。
谢谢 Music Festival 2012 把入门票弄得漂漂亮亮。
谢谢陈征送的粉红色华乐 Music Festival 2012 badge。
谢谢红色 bow tie !


#穿到 smart smart 的笛子新生齐奏。#


学不到半年的我们就被推上台了,那时候是我第一次接触到大合奏。他们在 Block C 那个房间大合奏练习时,我们就在外面练习着。指挥就好像魔术师一样,挥一挥指挥棒就有优美的旋律了。我还记得我称呼他们“音乐盒”和“收音机”。贪新鲜的我们最后就躲在大组的后面看合奏,那时的指挥样子好凶。“第 2xx 小节再来一次”,“这里要渐强”,“回去练一百次”之类的话都觉得好恐怖。看回自己的谱心想:我的谱才有那二三十个小节罢了!他们的还有两百多啊!

《旋萦之夜》的筹备也做了好久好久,但是最后也很《奇迹》地举办了。刚好学了一年多笛子的我和 Harley,Sensei 还有 “My” Chelle 就这样被安排到大组去了。我们都很用心的练习,也尽量配合刚上任的指挥。那时的他还挺可怜的,一个人要扶着也要负责整个乐团的东西,不要做凑委的我也只能鼓励并开导咯。但是也因为他担任了乐团主席/团长后,乐团开始接到许多的邀请去表演,最够力的还是被邀请上豪华的渡轮表演咯!


#续前年的 pose,这三个死党又回来啦!#

最后一年呆在乐团了,应该说:最后一个学期呆在乐团了,开始很舍不得这一班人,管你是二胡琵琶中阮杨琴柳琴 bass 笛子还是敲击。I guess... life goes on huh ? 很高兴华乐团给了我一个很好的大学回忆,充实了我的大学生涯。


我:*打断* 我电话有啊。 *开来听*
她:是喔... 要加不是问题的,吊钹而已嘛,但是好像不够人,全部人那个时候都很忙。*自言自语*
我:哇哇!*看谱* 要很快咯!!!
她:我试一下看换到没有先... *练了两三轮后* OK 啦,还可以,你试下。
她:还不错!只是难为你要做 superman 了。哈哈哈哈~~~

接下来的合奏练习有鼓段时,全场合奏团员都在看我们敲击组而已。看到我很突然小钹跟吊钹替换,全场吓到一下。 @@

讲回我同室先... 就音乐会那天回到家后上着楼梯时:

他:最好听就是你们那个 encore 咯,那个什么英文歌...
我:是 Adele 啦,《Rolling in the Deep》...
我:跟你讲噢,我笛子吹那首歌很容易的叻!就“mi mimi fa fa mi”一直重复。
他:哈哈哈... 不 ... 要 ... 唱 ... 聊 ... 哈哈哈~~~

还记得音乐会的那个星期三有练习,因为迟到所以又收到 Harley 的电话了。

他:喂~~~ 你在哪里啊?有没有来练习?
我:刚刚吃完 pasar malam 的打包,要过来聊!
他:*转过头跟衍胜说* 刚刚吃完 pasar malam 打包要来聊... 哦哦... *回来跟我说* 衍胜叫你打包给埋我们喔!哈哈~
我:OK 啊,我现在就来。88

到 Block C 练习时衍胜看到我了:

他:我还没有吃晚餐叻,pasar malam 打包叻?
他们: ... 

说到迟到,还有一次星期日早上 9 点集训练习时:


结果 11 点半了才甘愿起身,早上应该练的《老虎》和 Potato 的《龙船》都没有出席到。看了电话才发现电话 silent 了,最惨的是收到了 2 封 SMS 和 10 个 miss call。Potato 的 SMS 语气看来不是很好,心里有了一些很坏的准备。最后接了 Harley 打来的电话:

他:都要 lunch break 啦,现在才来...

就 12 点半当我骑着脚车去练习时,迎面而来的那辆 Kancil 很熟悉:Potato 和几个团员就在里面,应该是要去吃午餐。Potato 也看到我,他就一边笑一边用左手指着我,有一种“这个人现在才去练习!”的感觉。我就那种“呵呵呵”的样子继续骑去 Block C。


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Wednesday, August 8, 2012


回想起来,音乐会结束还没到一个星期,自己已经开始想念大家一起合奏的感觉了。这种很“空虚”很“寂寞”的 feeling 很不好受啊~~~~~



管它是曲笛、小钹、碰铃、木鱼、铃鼓/钱鼓... 能够参与大组合奏真的不是一件容易的事啊!虽然自己演奏的东西都很微小,偶尔出错了几乎都没有被发现到,但是自己还是会尽量配合大家,把自己的东西多加练习。很感谢当年的指挥把嫩嫩的我们丢上了小组合奏,过后再推我们上大组,让我们见识了许许多多的风与雨。



这次很幸运的被敲击师傅选中参与敲击乐合奏《老虎磨牙》的练习,她还把我认为最重要的木鱼交了给我。《老虎磨牙》是一首在描述深山里老虎出没、吼叫声、以及奔向猎物后正在磨牙的情况。整首曲子一开始就是木鱼了,木鱼还要很生动地模仿水滴声,这还真的难倒了我啊!但是我从师傅那里得回来的 feedback 是:打得还不错啊,比之前好很多,很有 feeling 啊!都说要放松来打的啦~~~

看到乐团的那个木鱼就可怜了:螺丝锁不紧了结果差不多全部木鱼要掉下来了。还好有我们Potato 的爸爸把木鱼钉在一个新的木板,再钉了一个架子专放木鱼。看到那个漂亮的木鱼架顿时觉得 Potato 爸爸好伟大哦。过后他也钉了一个架放云罗和弄了一个叫拍板的乐器(其实只是两片大约 1 cm 厚的木板而已)给《老虎磨牙》合奏用的。 I was like ... OMG~~ 他真的是太伟大了!



#敲击乐伴奏 Potato 的琵琶独奏《龙船》。我负责打碰铃,那个很可爱的乐器。#





结果那把白色的 C 调曲笛就这样被我借去用了。除了每个星期一合奏练习,星期四还要去笛子练习,再加上平时的上班时间,整个人都快要疯掉了。心想:这次将会是我最后一次上大组合奏叻,怎样辛苦都要去练习,尽量把自己的本分做好。

#C 调曲笛的主人 Adele 羚丽~~~#

#... 以及她弹中阮的姐姐 Adele 羚靖!#

最后最后,最没有想到的东西是:自己竟然可以合奏《节庆欢舞》!平时都是开着 MP3 听而已,想都没想到自己有机会奏这首曲子的啊!!!续去年增加了鼓段、敲击组改编的《金蛇狂舞》后,这次也演奏了有鼓段的《节庆欢舞》啦~ 

最后当然也很开心看到我的 housemate 跟她男朋友回来乐团啦。他们特地请假来参加练习和音乐会,他们的功劳不算小哦。还有见到这个人后差点掉眼泪的 Sensei 啦!就是不知道为什么,见到她后自己的眼泪真的要掉下来了,可能是太想念大家一起度过四年大学的关系吧。

#古灵精怪的 housemate 慧翎和他男朋友敬贤,以及中唢佩欣和高唢俊颖。#

#这个就是 Sensei-sama 啦!!!她说她瘦了喔(还真的是有瘦了一点啦)。#

谢谢指挥 Potato,我迟到你没有把我吃掉。
谢谢 Adele 羚丽三百块漂亮的笛子。
谢谢 Music Club 给了我们一个那么大的舞台演奏。
谢谢 Potato 的爸爸特地弄了一个木鱼架,云罗架和拍板。
再次谢谢 Potato 借回来的两片云罗。
谢谢一起疯癫的“脑残” fans club。
谢谢 VIP 和各位到场的听众。
谢谢远渡而来的 Sensei 为我们拍照。
谢谢 Adele 的《Rolling in the Deep》把气氛 high 翻天!
谢谢每一位 helper 的功劳。




回到家后我对我同室说:有没有看到我打木鱼?好看叻???*自 high 中*
他:蛤?木鱼... 原来是你打的啊,都不懂在打什么...
他:那个什么老虎啊,在中间打鼓那个女的,很好笑咯... 打到一半再那个鼓上面不懂做什么。哈哈哈~~~~
他:... 哈哈哈~~~ 那个手“啪啪啪”打那个鼓的样子很好笑,哈哈哈~~~~

我:... 那个人是我来的好吗。
他:哦?哦?... 是咩?没有戴眼镜啦,看不清楚啦...


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Monday, July 2, 2012

Rain !!!

Its been quite some time since the last rain...
...the last rain that rained as heavy as today.
Its chill outside but cannot open the window,
else the rain water will splashed all over my room.

Yesterday's COU practice was fun.
Get to play at the drum and managed to read the score.
Did I stated that we're having the very first percussion solo song this coming concert ?
Quite excited about that as the song is marvelous
Of course, I still need lots of practice,
as I'm not as good as my seniors. 

I had my first ba zhang of the year,
from my percussion sifu.
"I have lots of it in my fridge, dont worry, you can have one."
The happiest thing is:
I found 4 big piece of mushroom inside !
Satisfaction: maximum. >w<

And yeah, I had the weirdest dream ever:
My hamster Christine gave birth to 5-6 babies.
They grew up fast, and they have their mother's cute face.
When I open the cage,
they escaped,
run all over the place,
and I was shouting:
"come back !!!".
I guess I'm mental already. @@
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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

说好的 Update 呢?

毕业前说好了要经常 update 这里,好让自己可以跟已经远去的朋友们互相打些小报告最近所发生的东西。

Erm... 虽然这个学期才拿一科,但是最近还是有比较忙一点啦。忙着华乐练习、忙着上班、忙着打 MapleESEA、忙着上课、还有忙着吃和睡觉!哈哈~~

乐团的中音唢终于来了,虽然自己不会吹,但是看到属于自己乐团的东西怎样都会有一点 excited 啦!我们的 Potato 也借回来了一套定音鼓和钢片琴配合我们合奏练习用的。钢片琴其实就好像我们小时候玩的那些 xylophone 咯,只是 quality 比较好、音比较多。

#Ta Da !这就是那把漂亮的中音唢啦!#


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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Left 4 Dead 2 with COU Mates !!!

Extending isnt as fun as it seems, but thanks to COU and my part time job, at least I can spend most of my "free time" leisure time on them. Been practicing my flute and (going to) percussion skills for the past 2 weeks as we're going to have our very own 3rd concert !!! With more experienced new members joining in, this concert is going to be so much fun !

And yeah, the already-past Monday was our Mr. Harley's birthday. Like usual, the conductor prepared a birthday cake at the end of the ensemble practice and everybody wished him a joyful birthday. Somehow I dunno why, I slipped my mouth saying "L4D2" during some of the conversation, and the next thing I know is: I saw a few blinking pairs of eyes looking at me

#Mr. Harley and his birthday cake !#

The next thing I know was, 4 of us went to Khakabo for a L4D2 game. 

#L4D2 loading screen.#

A normal No Mercy campaign seems to be very hard for the 4 of us, partially because we enabled cheat. So throughout the campaign I'm the only one spamming pain killer and first aid kit for the rest of the group and giving health to myself in the worse condition

Since this is the SECOND TIME IN HIS LIFE that our cute conductor entered a cyber cafe and his VERY FIRST TIME playing L4D2, we're considerate enough to guide him through all the basics he must know before he sets his foot into the warzone. I guess the best thing that I've taught him was "heal yourself with first aid and pain killer" and "slash zombies with your katana". 

At the end of the campaign, our conductor claimed that he wanted to vomit when he saw one of the zombie (Boomer to be precise) vomited on him. Oh well... though we both died in the game, but I hope that we can have another round again some day. 
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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Extending. . .

Its a rainy day today. I wondered whether the same weather hit my beloved home when I boarded the train back...

I'm glad that I've still have friends staying back extending with me, and I'm most happy that the same goes to my roommate.

The others have left, some I don't even have a chance to say a proper good bye, take a nice picture and have a last dinner together. The only thing that left inside me if ths promise that we'll meet again someday.

Four years... Time do really flies...

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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Finally... Finals *Again* !!!

Hell yeah, the time is here again, the damned final exams !!! 

After finished busying with the thesis, I felt like I've lost a big burden in return of a lots of pimples and panda eyes. When the thesis was bound and given to me at the photocopy shop, the first thing that pop into my mind was, "my half year's hard work finally bears a fruit !". Oh yeah, most importantly: no more dealing with alignment problems, strict formatting, used of US/British English words and sleepless night now !

#The cover of my softbound thesis.#

Curious about what am I doing with the apples ? Take a glimpse on it here:

#Looks disgusting ? These are the crude extract that taken me quite some time to extract out from the apples ! It might contain phytochemicals that has the potential to be a drug/cure to cancer.#  

#Acsorbic acid standard solution added with violet/purple coloured DPPH free radical, one of the bioassay to test the antioxidant activity.#

#ABTS cation solution is another solution used test the antioxidant activity using another bioassay. Dont you just love the colour of the solution ?#

And guess what... final exams are coming *didnt I just mentioned it earlier ?*, and I'm still slacking to get enough sleep. Haha~~~ In the end I'm sharing this song to you lot that I've been listening to for the past few days. Rhapsody in Blue by George Gershwin, and then later on rearranged by Disney in Fantasia 2000. Enjoy~

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Thursday, February 23, 2012


开始觉得 n 年前没几天就更新的都是无聊 + 废话。

昨天去了所谓的“饮茶” session with 我们的 Prof. Chua HT...


就这么样 ... 我快要毕业了。

我一定要在我的毕业典礼听着 Pomp and Circumstance 毕业。

毕业啊 ... 你来得太突然了吧?
一起在一间房里度过春夏秋冬的同室 ...


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Monday, February 6, 2012

Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective for DS Review

I came across this game when I'm a bit bored of the games I had in my NDS. I never expect for the download to complete despite of my lousy connection... but hey, since I managed to download it, of course I'll try it out !

#Box art of the game.#

#Back cover of the game.#

Well, the game starts with a ...

#... basically this is the first thing you'll see when you start the game.#

Yes, the story of Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective by Capcom starts with a death, YOUR death to be precise. You found yourself dead and a redheaded girl shot dead by an assassin. Weirdest thing happened when a red desk lamp named Ray started to talk to you about how special you are as a spirit with powers. The red desk lamp guided you to use your power of the dead to possess and manipulate inanimate objects, travel through telephone lines and advert the fate of the dead by rewinding to 4 minutes before that person's death

#Possessing items to travel around the map. While you're in the Ghost World, the time stopped and when you're back in the real world, the time flows again and you can perform a trick on the item that you currently possessed.#

#When this appears, you gotta act quick to save the dead before the timer runs out.#

#Selecting destination by travelling through telephone lines !#

An important note that the red desk lamp said is: you have one night before dawn to discover the truth behind your death and recover your lost memories about yourself.

In the progress of the game, you realized your name is Sissel, a yellow-banana-headed guy with cool shades and red coat. You partnered with the redheaded girl (who turns out to be a rookie detective looking on to a closed case dated back to 5 years ago) Lynne to solve both the case and your own mystery. 

#He's so cooooool !#

#Lynne, a rookie detective who died 5 times in the game. Lol~~#

If you think that this game is all about solving crimes and saving the dead by rewinding 4 minutes before their death, then you're terribly wrong. The whole game is about discovering the truth of the closed case 5 years ago, the mistake that takes place 10 years ago and the mystery identity of the main character itself. 

Detective games are not my specialty, but the plot twist for this game was developed very carefully so that you're going to discover mysteries by solving another mystery. The ending of the game is really unexpected, but I could say that it is a happy ending

The gameplay is awesome. Sometimes the game might makes you scratch your head hard just to move from a location to another location because of the distance limit you can travel. And by making use of all the objects that could be animated and the sequence you animate them, you can create a new path to travel or even change the fate of the dead. 

Although the game environments are 2D, but the characters are moving in quite a 3D fashion. To tell the truth, the game has a smooth animation, which I liked it a lot. Just take a look at this picture to see it for yourself.

#By the way, this is Detective Cabanela, a weird detective that secretly investigating on a case dated back to 10 years ago.#

The game has been released for the iOS few days ago, check the iOS trailer for the game below !

If you allow me to choose, I would like this trailer more as it contains a lot of memorable quotes by the characters.

I rate this game 8 our of 10, since it still can improve by adding 3D animated cutscenes in the game. I dont think there'll be a Ghost Trick 2, but if that really comes out, I hope to see a few crossovers between the characters. 

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[ Me Myself ]

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Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia
Life was never meant to be simple, even a simple bacteria have a very complex mechanism happening inside its body. Life is full of surprises, fun, thrill and sometimes tears, anger and disappointment. I'm gonna wrote down every single moment that I faced here, so that I'll not forget what has happened in my life. Follow my Instagram @ Spiky9007

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