Saturday, June 11, 2011

Week 2 Recap

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Its been a busy week, although its just Week 2 of the semester !!! I'm assigned to most of the days to be a helper in the Chinese Orchestra Unit booth being set up in Block C Cafeteria for the last 5 days. 

#Seems like the decoration manager's creativity sharply rose !!! While every other clubs used black as background, Sensei used white instead, and the effect wasnt that bad at all !#

I was asked to go on stage perform to attract the attention of the crowd in cafeteria and for promotion of our Chinese Orchestra Unit among the students. Managed to play "To Zanarkand" from Final Fantasy X on DiZi with slight mistakes unnoticeable. Here's some pictures taken during the recruitment drive.

#Credit to "My" Chelle for the picture.#

#Sensei the Pipa player !?#

#Various type of plucking instrument displayed at the booth.#

#Jarod the Carrot having hard times choosing DiZi and Erhu to play.#

Nothing much to add on for the week, but the thing for sure is: I dont want my FYP !!! Can I just skip my FYP and graduate !?!?

And by the way, Fermentation just seems like another Mathematics subject from our foundation with lots of differentiation, integration and previously learnt calculations during Enzymology classes. Gotta pay full attention in the class or else I'll found myself lost in the middle of a pile of notes...

One last thing, here's a preview of our Chinese Orchestra's second concert poster (the poster is still under construction, I just took one of the best design to have some small promo).

#Doesnt the date of the concert looks familiar... ?#

For more information on the concert, you all can always refer to our UTAR Kampar campus Chinese Orchestra BLOG for more information regarding the details. 

Tired now... gotta go and have some nap now.

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