Sunday, September 20, 2009
(Real) Last Post of the Semester !
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Shouldnt Be Blogging at This Time Actually, But ...
Suppose to be studying that so known "Atomic Structure Bonding and Periodicity" subject, short for "Chemistry" as I called it... let me see, counting down 9 more hours to go till the exam starts tomorrow and 36 hours more then I'll be on the way going back to my hometown Puchong ...
Life seems like passing by very fast (the usual sentence I used for most of my "last post of the semester" ...) and without realizing semester 1 ended, now even the final exam is coming to an end.
I doesnt really wanted to go back that early, which is on the coming Sunday, the day right after tomorrow's paper. Too soon already, I havent got my hair cut, as Rannie restrict me to cut it on my own without his accompany. Well, here's the picture.
"Going back soon...going back soon" keep on circling inside my head, making me nervous. A few things I gonna miss after I go back to my hometown:
1. Internet !!! *Sob* The internet connection in my hometown was canceled since nobody is using it after I go to Kampar. So, going back means no more MSN, Facebook, manga chapters, Maple and even BLOGGING ! Arr~~ So here I am officially announce and introduce
2. What else, no internet also means no more downloading ! No more Bleach, no more online streaming for Full Metal Alchemist, no more HEROES SEASON 4 which premiere's this coming 21st !!! OMG, what a big disaster to me... So basically I'll be bored to hell, while I'm still be able to go online, so I decided to ...
4. I guess thats all ... since I couldnt think much about it.
Tomorrow gotta be super busy, from packing my stuffs to cleaning the room and for a hair cut ! Did I forgot to mention my final paper of the semester !? Hey... shouldnt I be studying now ? Zzz... And by the way...
Happy Holiday ex-TE 4-rians~
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Block G in UTAR
So today morning, thanks to SX for her although-late-but-its-better-than-nothing morning call, I woke up and rushed myself to sit for the 9am exam. I felt calm, though I'm not prepared for it ! How could such a person exists huh ? Haha~
I remember Jest told me yesterday that block G is cold, VERY COLD indeed. Since I'm not used to cold, I thought wearing long sleve with a jacket might help, but the truth is: it did help ... a little at least. And so I reached block G, parked my bike and started turn on my bionic eyes to search for my friends. Search results: none, so I found myself a nice place and started to do my rivision.
Suddenly a cold breeze blew on me. My first reaction was "What the heck, I thought inside block G is cold, I never thought that I could feel the cold outside too !".
Later on "My" Chelle reached and we went into block G and I was surprised, block G is huge and tall ! We placed our bags on the ground floor as told and we went upstairs to our examination room, well ... after I reached the first floor I was shocked, as I thought I would be able to see "rooms" or "halls". Instead, I saw nothing but chairs and tables arranged everywhere, seems like there's no room in block G !!!
Found my seat on second floor and thank goodness Rannie, Sensei and Bond found their way in too, and the exam starts. Computer Studies ? Totally sucks, I never thought the question would be that strange, and I blame myself for not study hard enough for something quite easy.
I looked around the second floor, other than it was filled with chairs and tables, it was quite empty. It doesnt looked like its going to be an office building as no brick walls, instead its all glass windows at the side... Then something pops up in my mind - library. Library is filled with book racks, so this empty space could be used for that purpose ! Lights from the window ... so the books would not get moistured and spoiled ? Mmm...
I think back again, this block G could be 3 or 4 story high, so if this whole building is going to be a library, UTAR will be having lots and lots and LOTS of books ! So looking forward into this. Haha~
Having Baisc Profissional Writing subject tomorrow at 9am again. I guess its time to have a small nap first.
1OO Truths
002. Nickname(s): Ah Wong, Wong, Pikachu, Spiky, Harry (not HAIRY though...)
003. Age: 19
004. Horoscope: Leo
005. Gender: Male
006. Elementary: University
007. Primary School: SJKC Yak Chee
008. Secondary School: SMK Seksyen 1 Bandar Kinrara
009. College: UTAR
010. Hair Colour: Black
011. Hair Length: Quite long now (for me), never had my hair in such before...
012. Loud or Quiet: Depends...
013. Sweats or Jeans : Jeans
014. Phone or Camera: Of course its camera !
015. Health Freak: Not quite...
016. Drink or Smoke: None of them
017. Do you have a crush on someone: Pointless...
018. Eat or Drink: Both ? Since its a necessary !
019. Piercings: Nope...
020. Tattoos: Nope...
021. Social or Anti-Social: Quite anti...on strangers
022. Righty or lefty: Right
023. First piercing: I had none !
024. First relationship: Someday in the future which I do not know.
025. First Best Friend: Lai MC ?
026. First Award: Primary school...somthing like "second place in the class" award...
027. First Kiss: From my parents...
028. First Pet: Fish
029. First Big Vacation: Singapore
030. First Love at first sight: Nope...
031. First Big Birthday: My 19th birthday !
032. First Surgery: Stitches on chin, aged 17.
033. First sport you joined: Badminton
034. Orange or Apple juice: ORANGE~~
035. Rock or Rap: Instrumental and pop suits me more, sometimes a little techno would be nice.
036. Country or Screamo: Eh ?
037. NSYNC or Backstreet boys: Backstreet Boys of course !
038. Britney spears or Christina Aguilera: Britney Spears~
039. Night or Day: Night
040. Sun or Moon: Moon
041. TV or Internet: Internet~~
042. Playstation or xbox: Playstation !
043. Kiss or hug: Hug
044. Iguana or turtle: None
045. Spider or bee: None ! *yucks*
046. Fall or spring: Fall
047. Limewire or iTunes: None of them...
048. Soccer or baseball: Badminton. =X
049. Eating: Anything nice to me.
050. Drinking: Water, Milo, Iced lemon tea, fruit juice...
051. Excitement level: Currently low...
052. I'm about to: Sleep actually...
053. Listening to: *Echoing in my head* Lullaby For You performed by JYONGRI, ending theme for the NDS game "The World Ends With You" by Square Enix and Jupiter.
054. Plan for today: Today already ended, how about tomorrow ? Go pasar malam ! XD
055. Waiting for: Holidays ~
056. Energy Level: Low...
057. Thinking of someone: Like always...
058. Want kids?: Sure...when I get married.
059. Want to get married?: Answer can be found above...
060. When?: Not sure, 27+ sounds just nice.
061. How many kids do you want: 2 is enough...
062. Any name on the mind: Zach, Shawn, Mandy, Nick...girl's name are a little hard to think. =_=
063. What did you want to do: DID ?
065. Mellow future or wild: Eh ?
066. Something you would never try: Drugs, smoking, commit sucide...what else ?
067. When do you want to die: Not sure...
068. Lips or Eyes: Eyes...
069. Romantic or Funny?: Both could be fine.
070. Shorter or Taller?: Its about me or what ? Well, I'm already tall enough...
071. Protective or Caring?: Caring
072. Romantic or Spontaneous?: Romantic
073. Nice Stomach or Nice Arms?: I wish I could have both...
074. Sensitive or Loud?: Sensitive...
075. Hook-up or Relationship?: None...
076. Trouble Maker or Hesitant?: Not sure
077. Muscular or normal: Normal
078. Kissed a stranger: Never happened before...
079. Broken a bone: Nope
080. Lost glasses or contacts: Spoiled glasses, yes.
081. Ran away from home: Nope...
082. Held a gun/knife for self defence: Nope, though I practiced myself how to hold the knife just like what I saw from the game Resident Evil...
083. Killed somebody: Hell no !
084. Broken someone's heart: I guess I did...
085. Had your heart broken: ...and I got paid back.
086. Been arrested: No !
087. Cried when someone died: In the movies, yes...
088. Liked a friend more than a friend: Hell yeah !
089. Yourself: Of course !
090. Miracles: Never happen 3 times in a row...
091. Love at first sight: I believe...
092. Heaven: Not sure...
093. Santa Claus: Childish...
094. Tooth Fairy: Childish ! Arr~~
095. Kiss in the first date: Wow~ Would be very lucky...
096. Angels: Not really...
097. Is there 1 person you want to be with right now? : Yeah...
098. Are you seriously happy with where you're in life now?: Yeah, everything turns out to be nice at the end...
099. Do you believe in God? : Sometimes...
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 10 peope: Just grab it if you wanted to...
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
2 Down, 3 More to Go !
(Eh hem...)
I'm still online-ing, searhcing for latest chapter of the manga I'm following, watching online streaming Full Metal Alchemist, Facebook-ing and playing NDS game ... even though there's an exam on tomorrow ! I tried to force myself not to click on the NDS game icon on the computer desktop, but still I clicked on it after several hours of holding on myself.
To avoid this, I actually thought of a way and went to Jest's house so that I could study for my Pengajian Malaysia. Well, at least I managed to study something and answer a few questions
I found that the thing I need to push me to study are friends. I cant study alone,
I think I better get going to study now and sleep early, I cant rely on "My" Chelle's morning-miss-calls all the time as the exam is in the morning ! So to my dearly beloved arlam clock, PLEASE DO MAKE SOME NOISE AND WAKE ME UP ! Arr~~
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Hungry Ghost Festival -- Ghost Story
Warning: If you're pregnant or having heart disease, please do not read further. For those who're under 18, read at your own risk.
The following story is about me myself ... on a trip to somewhere together with my schoolmates.
The day looked dark, it seems like the night is falling. I hurried up and packed my stuffs into my bag and rushed to the bus which is about to start the engine in a few minutes time. I was lucky that I could find myself a seat on the 4th or 5th row on the bus. I put down my bags and took out my camera which my aunt gave me as my birthday present and started to take pictures on my other schoolmates on the bus.
Everyone seems to prefer standing than sitting down when I was taking pictures. After taking pictures at the back of the bus, I moved the camera to the front so I could take pictures of them too. Weird stuffs happened, I saw a black figure on my digital camera's viewing screen, a black figure with some black smoke around it. Despite my curiocity, I moved my eyes from the camera's screen to the actual place, and the black figure was there for real !
The black figure seems like walking around the first row on the bus and it noticed me watching it ! It stares me with its angry eyes and the face looks scary. Suddenly my heart felt cold, my body was shocked of it and started to shake as all the people in the bus went silent. I found my seat next to me and I sat down, keeping my camera safe in my bag and wishing that I seen nothing... Then the bus started its engine and we're off to go.
Its already morning when we reaches our school after the long ride. I still can see the black figure walking around the first row, the whole bus seems to be very silent, as silent as if everyone was asleep, yet I can sence fear. When the bus came to a halt and the door opened, everyone was rushing out of the bus with fierce and scare. Without hesitating, me too get myself out of the bus as quick as possible. The time where I passed by the black figure, my heart felt cold again and I almost trembled down while getting myself out of the bus.
After the bus was gone, everyone started to make noises and small discussions in groups. I was confused and scared, so I seek help from my teacher. She told me that the black figure I saw is a ghost and advice me to seek information from the school principle if I wanted to. I rushed off to the school principle room right after that.
In the principle's room, he waved the chair for me to sit on, as if he already knew my intention of coming to his room.
"His name is xxx (I forgotten the name, but the name makes me realize he's from the western country), died in an accident long time ago."
When I wanted to ask more, he paused me and continue on speaking, "Do not look for him, he's dangerous. You all were lucky as he didnt make any trouble on you all. Now go..."
I'm still a little afraid of the stuffs I seen and I wanted to ask more about it, but I went out of the room as requested by the principle. I walked down the school field towards my classroom which is on the other side of the field with fear of what I seen earlier, then I saw Rannie walking beside me and gave me a pat on the back, some kind of message like "it'll be fine, cheer up" or sort. I gave him a pat back and we walked to the class together.
Then I woke up, in fear and shock. My room was bright, izzit the morning already, or izzit afternoon now ? Dont tell me I turn on the lights while I'm sleeping... Then I reached out my hand under my pillow to take out my watch, it reads 8am. I was glad that it was a dream after all, but its a dream so true that I'm still afraid of the black figure I saw after I woke up.
I focused myself to forget about it and have a small nap as it is just a dream and after I wake up again later on, I'll definitely forget about it. But the angry eyes and scary face of it just couldnt get out of my head and my heart felt cold just as in the dream ! I'm even wondering whether it is in my room that particular time... Without thinking much, I hypnotise myself to sleep by muttering the same word over and over again ... and I woke up later at 12pm.
I wonder what did I do until I'm getting myself such a dream. Couldnt it be after reading Sensei's blog ? Or perhaps while I was blogwalking I found a blogger tells his story on the lift ? Or maybe izzit of the spoiled light in my toilet ? Or maybe ...
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Let it Out !
#Miho Fukuhara sings Let it Out as second ending song for the all-time popular anime Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood.#
Lyrics in Romanji: Credit to this site.
Let it all out, Let it all out
Tsuyogaranakute ii n’da ne
Dareka ga kaitetta kabe no rakugaki no hana ga yureru
Jibun rashisa nante dare-mo wakaranai yo
Nagai nagai michi no tochuu de nakushitari hirottari
Kyuu ni sabishikunatte naichau hi mo aru kedo
Namida mo itami mo hoshi ni kaeyou
Ashita o terasu akari o tomosou
Chiisaku mayotte-mo futari de tsukurou
Hoshikuzu o tsuyoku hikaru eien o sagasou
Let it all out, Let it all out
Tarinai koto darake da yo ne
Tarinakute ii n’da ne dakara kimi to deaeta n’da
「Tashika」 ga nan na no ka sore ga shiritakute
Chiisa na naifu o kutsushita ni kakushiteta
Tsuyogatte tsuita uso no hou ga zutto itakatta
Hontou wa kowai yo dakedo ikiteku
Egao no kimi o kaze ga nadeteku
Chiisa na te kazashite futari de tsukurou
Hoshikuzu o tsuyoku hikaru eien o sagasou
Tadashii koto ga machigattetara dousureba ii?
Kanashii koto ga tadashikattara ukeireru dake?
Nakushita to omotteta demo kimi ga shitteta
Kimi ga ite hontou-ni yokatta
Namida mo itami mo hoshi ni kaeyou
Ashita o terasu akari o tomosou
Chiisa na te kazashite futari de tsukurou
Hoshikuzu o tsuyoku hikaru eien o
Sayonara itsuka wa kuru kamoshirenai
Kisetsu wa sore demo meguri megutteku
Chiisaku mayotte-mo aruiteku
Kimi to aruiteku sore dake wa kawaranaide iyou ne
Finally I got myself a copy of the ending song "Let it Out" ! Although I've already got myself 2 different versions of the same song, which is not very satisfying as the ending part of both the song seems like being cut and you cant really feel the "ending" taste of the song. I'm always liked the song's rhythm and the singer's voice; very special and very different than the usual female singer in Japan.

#Miho Fukuhara.#
Miho Fukuhara, written as 福原 美穂 in Japanese kanji, was born in Sapporo, Japan on 19th June 1987 (OMG, relatively young !). Nothing much to say about her as she's still a young pop star in Japan that had her first debut in 2006. She released some singles which mostly could be found under the Billboard Japan Hot 100 Singles and Japan Hot 100.
Her most remarkable songs will be "Change", "Himawari" and "Hanabi Sky". Currently I've listened to her "Hanabi Sky" and the song sounds nice. In the early July this year she announced her new single "Let it Out" which later on being used as the ending song of the all-time favorite anime Full Metal Alchemist. This is her first major anime-tie in and had her song separated into 3 formats; a full version, anime-ending version and instrumental version.
The one I got earlier was the anime-ending version which I keep on listening while watching the anime. I got bored since it was too short and wanted to find a full version of the song. And now I got what I wanted. *claps*
And by the way, before the time goes on, I wanted to say something... Happy 09/09/09 ! Haha~ Gotta get myself up and finish the revision on Cell Biology and next up would be, Pengajian Malaysia ! OMG~
Monday, September 7, 2009
What a Hot Day~~
Yeah, the time is once again reached the resting pace, where all the UTARians are having their own study week, preparing for their upcoming final exams. What about me ? Well, still not into the mood of studying and revisioning though my first exam falls on the coming Saturday, having Cell Biology as the kick start.
Its really hot in Kampar here, I felt like I'm inside an oven everytime I think about it. I went to Tesco last Saturday with Tweety-chan and Scotty to restock foods and stuffs. I bought quite some lemons, which I dont know what I wanna do with it actually, since I only wanted to have something "iced-cold, sweet and sour" thing to drink with. Then something pops out of my mind ... lemonade.
But the problem is, I do not know how to make myself a lemonade, although I have some ideas: mixing water and lemon juice. But wait, I thought lemonade tasted a little sweet too ? After some thoughts, I searched You Tube for the recipe and found it. As the average Malaysians doesnt really made themselves lemonade at home and since we rarely drink such a thing too, so for the very first time in my blog, I'm teaching all of you how to make your own lemonade to refresh your day !
First, gather the ingredients: A few fresh lemons, sugar (any kind will do, as long as it taste sweet) and water.
1. First thing to do is wash your hands and the lemons ! You never know what you touched before this and what's on the skin of the lemon before you bought it, so wash it clean before you cut it into halves.
2. Using your hands or preferably those "orange juice maker" tool, squeeze the lemon juice into a bowl or cup. Make sure you use a filter to filter out the seeds of the lemons ! You dont want to drink the seeds together right ?
3. Then dissolve equal amount of water and sugar to make the solution known as the "simple syrup" known by the Americans. Use hot or warm water to dissolve it or you can even heat it just like I did on a pot.
4. After you dissolved the sugar and successfully made yourself a "simple syrup", its time to mix the lemon juice and the syrup together. Then add in water and mixed the whole thing using a spoon. Now taste the lemonade, if its too sour, you can add in more of the syrup or water. The taste is now depends on your own choice.
=Optional=You also could put some lemon slices in it too !
5. Now the final thing to do is, serve with ice cubes ! Or if you're going to serve it to your guest later on, you could put it into the fridge first before they arrive, it taste real good in chill too ! Hey, doesnt it a very nice drink to be served with your lunch and dinner as well ?
Ans thats it ! What a nice drink for the hot day like this, you really should make yourself one if you're thinking of it now as it is simple and easy ! Please comment if you like it.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Course Registration
Anyway, UTAR has been changing a lot since my Foundation semester 2. From this to that, then from that to just keep on changing and introducing new stuffs into it, making it better
"Register your own subject of interest for your next semester and choose your own timetable."
Sounds interesting innit ? But, the problem is, you're not longer been tied in a class, preferably the term "tutorial group", with your friends again ! The worst is that, too many elective subjects to choose from, and too many time slot for each of the subjects, the possibility of you and your friends getting the same class in same time is quite small. Being separated also means when you're doing assignments, you're going to be alone in a middle of a sea with strangers you do not know, which is the worst ever thing you could imagine while you're studying.
On the other hand, choosing the class also makes you wonder what time suits you best. All morning class or all afternoon ? And one more thing, by choosing which time slots for your chosen subjects, it determines which day you would need to go for lectures and tutoruials ! If you're lucky, you might get a bonus as there's no class on Friday or any other days ! Yay !
And so, my course registration starts on 12.01am of 3rd September sharp and with the guidelines and courses available for me to choose from, I started to "fight for the place" for the class I wanted to be in. MSN-ed "My" Chelle and Rannie just to inform them about this, as I wanted to be at least in same class doing assignments with them, but what I get is no reply.
Its already 12.20am and I started to panic, since most of the subjects available were taken while I'm waiting for their reply and the available time slots for it clash with my other subjects chosen. Around 12.30am+ I received message from "My" Chelle in MSN saying that she's gaming and forgot about the time. As requested, I logged in her account and started to register for her. I was like, "OMG, why is all the subjects taken ? How am I gonna register for her !?"
While registering, I also received Rannie's message in MSN.
He said he was sleeping while his whole housemates were registering themselves, and the most frustrated thing is that, they're not waking him up to inform about it. Lots of words came out from his typing and he said he only registered himself for 3 subjects. So as "My" Chelle and Kalai, due to the unavailability of the place for the subjects as they're all taken before they do have a chance on it.
I dont know I should say myself as lucky or not, as I registered myself for 4 subjects, 3 of them which is quite similar with them and another subject is Japanese Language class. The good thing for me is that I'm quite to be "fully utalizing" my next semester's timetable; the bad news is that I'm going to have Japanese class on Saturday. In addition, the whole Saturday will be teaching Japanese with only a little break.
I'm not sure I should be happy or not. I fell so bad, I should had called them when they're not replying my message in MSN, so at least they could be getting the same subject and same class with me too. Not really sure about their timetable, but I really do hope at least we're taking the same subjects...
Lastly, the "door" opened today...careful everyone while going out in the night. You know what am I talking I right ?
[ Me Myself ]
- SpiKy9007
- Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia
- Life was never meant to be simple, even a simple bacteria have a very complex mechanism happening inside its body. Life is full of surprises, fun, thrill and sometimes tears, anger and disappointment. I'm gonna wrote down every single moment that I faced here, so that I'll not forget what has happened in my life. Follow my Instagram @ Spiky9007