Wednesday, November 25, 2009

OMG [Offline Blog for 19/11]

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Never thought that I'll be writing an "offline blog" even though I'm in a situation where I can go online easily !

If you wonder what happened to me until an "offline blog" comes out, you could just go and ask that stupid modem who seems to be malfunctioning since monday night. Never know what happened to it, who touched it, or even why it just malfunctioned...

And so, misery life began.

Being cut off to the virtual world of internet seems to be a little boring for the coming days. No more usual Facebook, One Manga, MSN chatting and blogwalking too ! Thinking of reading Deathly Hallows which I started a few chapters back during the beginning of the semester...but the book remained stationary with a thin layer of dust on it.

Well...I know its all about personal stuffs huh, but come to think of it, assignments and presentations are stacking with a counting-down atomic bomb ! OMG, I need information for tomorrow's presentation...OMG, this one need to be done by tomorrow with pictures...OMG, I need to send this to my group member !


I thought of going to Rannie's house so I could use his computer for a while to do whatever the stuffs I need to...but since he's quite a busy man (dont ask me, it just popped out of my head) so I went to Jest for help instead. Well, like always, we had a lot to chat with after I've done searching my stuffs. Oh Jest, you're my savior of the day ! >w<

Though I avoided one of the bomb, another came.

Japanese Language presentation ! I need pictures, a lot of pictures !

To solve this problem, I was thinking to ask a favor from Scotty...but he told me yesterday that his internet connection was down too ! OMG~

OMG, headache + hungry now, I think I should cook my dinner first before I think of any solution.

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Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia
Life was never meant to be simple, even a simple bacteria have a very complex mechanism happening inside its body. Life is full of surprises, fun, thrill and sometimes tears, anger and disappointment. I'm gonna wrote down every single moment that I faced here, so that I'll not forget what has happened in my life. Follow my Instagram @ Spiky9007

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