Monday, November 29, 2010

Canon in D [Offline Blog for 27/11]

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Ever since last semester either Jarod or Harley tagged me a Chinese performing Canon in Dizi, I was impressed by his skills and would like to perform this piece too. This piece can be beautifully performed solo by violin, piano and flute as far as I heard from YouTube. I searched a few versions of the score in the net and translated one of them so that I could perform using Dizi.

For the past few weeks I've been translating part of the score, I also tried to perform it using Dizi. Though it might sounds weird as the original piece is performed using western instruments performing using chinese instrument, but it gives you another sensation to enjoy Canon in a different view.

Of course I'm not gonna post the video of me performing the song, but here is the video that shows the Chinese guy performing Canon in Dizi.

Lovely isnt it ?

And by the way, my practice on Canon for the past few weeks had some influence on my neighbour next door. I knew someone do learn piano next door as I always heard some songs being played. But lately I'm been listening to Canon being played ! Of course it sounds perfect for piano, but still, both of us are not the master of this piece and needs more practice.

Practice makes perfect huh ? Kinda... I guess.

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