Monday, November 29, 2010

当风筝遇上风 [Offline Blog for 28/11]






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Canon in D [Offline Blog for 27/11]

Ever since last semester either Jarod or Harley tagged me a Chinese performing Canon in Dizi, I was impressed by his skills and would like to perform this piece too. This piece can be beautifully performed solo by violin, piano and flute as far as I heard from YouTube. I searched a few versions of the score in the net and translated one of them so that I could perform using Dizi.

For the past few weeks I've been translating part of the score, I also tried to perform it using Dizi. Though it might sounds weird as the original piece is performed using western instruments performing using chinese instrument, but it gives you another sensation to enjoy Canon in a different view.

Of course I'm not gonna post the video of me performing the song, but here is the video that shows the Chinese guy performing Canon in Dizi.

Lovely isnt it ?

And by the way, my practice on Canon for the past few weeks had some influence on my neighbour next door. I knew someone do learn piano next door as I always heard some songs being played. But lately I'm been listening to Canon being played ! Of course it sounds perfect for piano, but still, both of us are not the master of this piece and needs more practice.

Practice makes perfect huh ? Kinda... I guess.
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Friday, November 26, 2010

What Can I Do ? [Offline Blog for 25/11]

Sensei said that I should blog more... or more accurately "blog everyday". But actually I'm not sure what can I blog so I could "blog everyday".

I couldnt blog about my internship too much, as it might bores you.
I couldnt blog about other stuffs, as I need Internet for the information and pictures.
I also couldnt blog about myself too much, as I would like to keep some privacy.

There's no events happening lately unless you count the leave that I took yesterday, so there's really nothing much I could blog unless, of course, those emo blog post !

To express the emo-ness, I would like to use Chinese. But I've been using too much Chinese lately, whether is in the office or SMS-ing. And my English is getting rusty, I would like to have a book to sharpen up my English !!!

#Dan Brown's Lost Symbol.#

Talking about books, I gonna be mad !!! I want my copy of Lost Symbol !!! Everytime I pass by MPH I'll take a copy of the book and look at the price tag, then I'll simply start browsing the book. Whenever I looked at those pages with puzzles, pictures and illustrations, I will think that "this is gonna be a great book with Robert back in action again". For your information, this book will be adapted into a movie for a 2012 release as expected, and Ton Hanks will reprise his role as the famous Prof. Langdon again to solve the mystery of symbols.

Thanks "My" Chelle for the book, I'm not sure whether you're reading it now or not, but I'm sure that I'll get it from you when we meet again in Kampar.
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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Movie Review: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I [Offline Blog for 24/11]

Hey yeah !!! So damn happy to watch this long-waited part I of the finale. And I'm so damn happy to watch it with my friend too though he said he didnt watch any Harry Potter movies before. That friend of mine might not know how BEST is this movie, but as a HP fan, I would like to say that... this part I of the finale is really the BEST movie ever made for the series. 很谢谢你今天的时间,总是觉得我弄闷了你,很不好意思咯。 >"<

#Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I theatrical poster.#

The Dark Lord has returned, and now everyone in the magical world starts to afraid about it. At the same time, the Death Eaters also infiltrated the Ministry of Magic, and Snape is appointed as the headmaster of Hogwards school of witchcraft and wizardry. In order to avoid being caught by the Death Eaters, Harry, Ron and Hermione took the items given to them through Dumbledore's will and set on a journey to destroy the Horcruxes and ultimately Lord Voldermot himself.

Will love break their friendships ?
Will disappointment break their hopes ?
Will trust break their defences ?

*This section might contain spoilers.*

Recalling back to the first few teasers/trailers, I just realized that a few scenes are not shown in the movie. Perhaps those are the scenes from part II...

From the opening till the end of the movie, I'm keeping track of the scenes and chapters as written in the book. And surprises me, I didnt sense any "gaps" between scenes in the movie. The movie's plot went on smoothly, every second on the movie is very tense.

The funny thing is the small bag the Hermione took with her. She casted a spell on it (from the book: I remembered its actually a gift from Hagrid if not mistaken) and the storage space is extended. Other than books, clothes, potion flasks... she even stuffed a small tent inside too ! And of course, the tent was extended too, so it could fit 3 of them inside.

Memorable scenes ?

"Obliviate." Hermione casted a spell to erase her parent's memory.

"Nagini, dinner..." said Lord Voldermot to his pet.

"Kreacher, find Mundungus," Harry ordered his housekeeper elf.

"Dobby is a free house elf !" I'm sure you know who said this...

Also not forgetting the "7 Potter" scene, the wedding and "getting flushed into the Ministry of Magic".

*Spoiler section ends.*

A 10 out of 10 would be good. Highly praising the "7 Potter" scene, scenes inside the Ministry of Magic, Hermione narrating Beedle the Bard's - The Tale of the Three Brothers and "Malfoy's Manon".
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月亮代表谁的心? [Offline Blog for 24/11]

我知道今天不是谁的生日。。。哈哈~ 虽然是早了点,但是我也能在此我想对我们 exTE 4 的 Jestrine 说声“生日快乐”。没能帮你庆祝生日,所以只好在这里祝你天天开心,年轻美丽,不会再被 bar 任何科目!因为每次听到你被 bar 时,心情都会有点紧张。

今天请了一天假,约好要去走街的。因为还早,所以拿起笛子就开始玩了起来。想也不用想就直接翻开自己翻译的谱吹起来了。吹的是卡侬(Canon)D 调。我吹到没什么好听啦,是因为很难吹一下,太多高音了,旋律也不熟。。。

玩闷了,就想起那个谁谁在 FB 里写说她对面家有人吹《月亮代表我的心》来送给女朋友作生日礼物之类的。然后,就开始吹起这首歌了。旋律虽简单,但是要听得出有感情,还是有点难度去演奏的。当我想着要吹给谁听时,很自然的我在歌里突然加了什么波音叠音的东西。听了后还蛮有 feel 的哦,但是我没看着谱吹(其实也没有谱),所以难免会有些差错。哈哈~


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Sunday, November 21, 2010

什么。。。? [Offline Blog for 20/11]









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Friday, November 19, 2010

Everlasting ? [Offline Blog for 18/11]

Thats the first thing I thought of while thinking of a title for the day. Doesnt matter what it suppose to meant in the end... Anyway, I've noticed that I've updated my blog less frequent than last month, so I'm here, updating my blog.

Been practicing DiZi not very often these few weeks. Other than practicing the music sheets given by the teacher, I've also found my own sheets such as some songs from the Final Fantasy series. And today I downloaded some other sheets: Canon in D and Wish from S.E.N.S.. Translated half of them and tried to play it on my own not long ago, it sounds right and beautiful, but I'm not familiar with both of the songs, so I'm not sure how should the tempo be...

Other than practicing DiZi, I also found that one of the interns from USCI actually plays CO instruments too ! She said she's been learning GuZheng since Form 2, but she never joins any performance before. More over, USCI doesnt have any CO club, her CO future is very limited. I hope that next time when we UTAR is having our own performance again, she can come to Kampar and watch it...

So much to tell, so much to say... but, I just dont feel like writing it out here.

Waiting for 24th November... to come.
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Monday, November 15, 2010

歌词 [Offline Blog for 14/11]



















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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Simply ... [Offline blog for 8/11]

It’s hard to resist.
Is resisting it hardly.

It’s hard to not thinking about it.
Is thinking about it very hard.

It’s showed that I'm trying it.
I'm trying to show it.

It’s sad to think about it.
Thinking about it makes me sad.

Its acceptance ...
or its reject ?

Its actually hard ...
or easy ?

Did I found it ...
or did I not ?

I'm not even sure of it myself.
It’s just simply...
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Monday, November 8, 2010

4th Global Bio-Herbs Economic Forum

For those who dont know what is "Global Bio-Herbs Economic Forum" is about... I'm here to tell you now: thats the event my company been busy preparing about for the past few weeks. It was held last Saturday and Sunday at Palace of the Golden Horses (PGH) and all of us were assigned to be the working crew for this big event.

#Inside the Grand Ballroom.#

#Their seats and not mine and lots of placards.#

#Lily Zi, she's taking down the minutes for the whole event.#

Everything seems to be so easy for those audience: go into the ballroom, sit back, relax and listen to the talks/forums on stage... but behind the scenes, everyone is preparing and doing their best to ensure the whole event is under control, on schedule and on time.

As the Time Keeper for the event, my task is simple: make sure the speakers on stage knows how many minutes they left for their speech. This is to ensure the whole programme flow can start and end according to the schedule.

Looks simple, tough actually...

Well... I guess all the other people's task are tough too, so I didnt complain any unless you count some girls took over my seat on Sunday and I have to stand for half of the day... Anyhow, I'm very glad that the speakers do noticed me waving the "time" card infront of them. Some of the speakers even make interaction with me by noddinglooked at me for a sec or two, smiled and even announce out the time they left for their speech.

By the end of Saturday, I took some pictures with the other interns from UCSI infront of the lobby. Since some of them and Yen Yee were left, so only 5 of us were taking the pictures.

#Acting cool.#

#Acting cute.#

#The girlz, left to right: Zi Qi, Soke Yan and Cammie.#

#The boyz, left to right: Charles and me.#

#Just before we left the PGH...looks like its gonna rain soon.#

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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

___ [Offline Blog for 2/11]


实习一个月有多两天了,也认识了一班刚从 UCSI 来的实习生。我不知该开心或是伤心,因为孤独的我终于等待到一位男生来上班跟我抢厕所了!哈哈。。。虽然如此,但是整个办公室还是他所谓的“阴盛阳衰”咯。。。

开始还以为我们不会有很大的互动,但是今天才认识第二天,除了会用 MSN 沟通问工作上的问题(是我跟我朋友同事两人带坏教他们的),也开始用它来聊天了。




现在听着他介绍的歌,觉得听歌的 taste 还蛮不错的,有些同感。哈哈~


那里够暗,够静,也够有 feel 去看。


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Monday, November 1, 2010

Its Halloween ! [Offline Blog for 31/10]

Yeah, today is Halloween and guess what song is playing inside my head ? There's nothing else but "This is Halloween" from Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas.

Its Halloween... so what ?

Thats all... thats it. Staying home starring at the phone waiting for the reply, but it just doesnt seems to be replying soon. So I took out my laptop and played Final Fantasy The 4 Heroes of Light. The graphics are cute, gameplay is impressive and not forgetting the awesome storyline. Below is the game's trailer that I found.

When I got stucked a while, I grab my DiZi (Chinese flute) and practiced a few songs including those songs that I've translated my own from the website myself. And when you're talking about Chinese Orchestra, recently I found that most of those TVB drama that took place in the ancient China period sure contains the background music featuring Chinese Orchestra. All you need to do is to focus more on the background music played on those drama, and you'll be inspired by the beauty of CO...

Doesnt know what to write anymore, even if I do, those ideas and points are not suitable for this post. So... Happy Halloween and have a great weekday ahead !

*Playing song "This is Halloween" from Kingdom Hearts' soundtrack.*

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[ Me Myself ]

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Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia
Life was never meant to be simple, even a simple bacteria have a very complex mechanism happening inside its body. Life is full of surprises, fun, thrill and sometimes tears, anger and disappointment. I'm gonna wrote down every single moment that I faced here, so that I'll not forget what has happened in my life. Follow my Instagram @ Spiky9007

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