Tuesday, July 14, 2009

xxxHOLiC Shunmuki Part 2 Found !

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Yeah, for an English subbed xxxHOLiC Shunmuki Part 2, its available for download from the website above. And Seems like Shunmuki Part 1 and Tsubasa Shunraiki Part 1 and 2 is there too ! How excited is it for those who're still looking for them.

Announcement !

Looks like xxxHOLiC is going to have another OVA after all ! The new OVA's story is currently unknown, and it will be released together with volume 16 (its 16 right ?) of the manga. How excited, another OVA ! >w<


Jong said...

Ah....i wan to watch!!!

SpiKy9007 said...

I downloaded it already, I also got part 1 as well. Take it from me if you wish to. ^^

Jong said...

For sure i will....

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Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia
Life was never meant to be simple, even a simple bacteria have a very complex mechanism happening inside its body. Life is full of surprises, fun, thrill and sometimes tears, anger and disappointment. I'm gonna wrote down every single moment that I faced here, so that I'll not forget what has happened in my life. Follow my Instagram @ Spiky9007

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